Postpartum Care

To book postpartum care hours with Asheville Baby Guru, please contact us!

The ideal time to schedule care is before the new baby joins the household. Reach out early as we do book up.

Premier postpartum care is $50 per hour for overnights.



Bringing a new baby into the family is a once in a lifetime event. You and your baby deserve a happy, healthy transition. Get the doula care you need to make it the best it can be. Getting the right start can be truly priceless.

Quality postpartum support can have a huge effect on a birth mother‘s, physical recovery, parents, emotional states, and confidence with feeding. I specialize in supporting all of this!

I offer daytime consults to come in and address specific problems and overnight shifts to support the family in these normal adjustments as well as maximizing how much sleep everyone gets.

As doulas, we have seen how postpartum care and support for the whole family lowers the rate of postpartum depression, raises the success rate of breastfeeding, helps couples feel more connected, and allows parents to feel more confident in their early parenting skills and to trust themselves in their parenting moving forward.

One of the major obstacles to the best transition is sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation can sabotage the families’ adjustment to a new baby.

According to the National Institute of Health, during the night, while you sleep, your brain grows and heals. This is important to helping to realign hormone levels, which can affect both your mood and general health.

Many new parents do not even not even realize that they have become sleep deficient. They may notice that they are tired, but not recognize how much it affects their functioning. Lack of sleep impacts your memory, and new parents often refer to the first few weeks of having a new baby as a blur.

Having help to get enough rest can allow you to enjoy and remember this precious time with your baby.

Families generally schedule care for as little as one week to as long as three or four months.

We recommend that you book as much as your budget allows for the first week, then at least half that for the next few weeks, with a weaning down time as we come to the end of your family’s care.

Contact us for a personal consultation to discuss your needs and set up the best services for you.


Ways an overnight postpartum doula can help:

  • Ensure the family gets some sleep
  • Set healthy sleep habits
  • Emotional support
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Teach/model newborn care
  • Be there to support parents
  • Act as a resource for community services


Overnight doulas generally work an eight hour shift, 1-5 nights a week. An overnight doula allows the family to get the sleep that they need. Our overnight doulas receive advanced training in infant sleep needs in addition to the standard training in infant care, breastfeeding, and family support. Your overnight doula usually works 10-6am or 11-7am; extra hours may be arranged.

Overnight care can also start in the hospital. This is a great benefit for single parents or parents with a young child at home (needing the support of your partner). An overnight doula performs non-medical task and is there for you throughout the night so that you are not alone.

We believe that new parents need support in order to get enough sleep in the early weeks of parenting. This can be a key factor in avoiding postpartum depression. At the same time, families may need guidance in learning how to nighttime parent. Nighttime parenting takes a different skill set than parenting during the day. Sometimes it is difficult to know how to read your baby’s nighttime signals. You have to learn how to be responsive to baby, without discouraging the baby’s ability to settle him/herself.

Our society does not always provide parents with accurate information on what are “normal” newborn behaviors. An overnight specialist (or doula) is knowledgeable in infant sleep patterns as well as the things that can interfere with a good night sleep for baby – and the whole family!

At Asheville Baby Guru, we believe that sleeping is not something you can force a baby to do. You can, however, create a secure environment that allows sleep to naturally overtake your baby. A realistic long-term goal is to help your baby develop a healthy attitude about sleep: that sleep is a pleasant state to enter and a secure state in which to remain. The overnight doula can help you to work with your baby’s temperament while encouraging a healthy sleep pattern.

Learn more about Postpartum Doula care in our extensive FAQ section.

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“During my wife’s pregnancy, we have taken many classes. This was the best!”



“Loved being able to work with Allison, waiting for our first child to arrive I was filled with SO many questions. I really liked the option to meet virtually especially in the third trimester when sometimes you’re tired and don’t want to go anywhere or have anyone in the house. She was able to address all of my questions and fears and give answers as well as links to resources that would be helpful. I cannot express how invaluable it was to have someone to talk to and the convenience of working virtually was the best. ” Autumn H.



“First, Allison made us realize that our baby girl was just fine and that we were doing fine as well. From then on, she taught both my daughter and myself everything we needed to know to care for this baby. I can honestly say that my daughter is the very good mother she is today because Allison gave her the knowledge and support to become one. I will always be grateful for Allison and the help she gave us.” ~ A Loving Grandparent”



“I am always confident when hiring postpartum doulas who have trained with Allison, because I know they have been given the proper tools needed to be amazing doulas.” ~ Liz StClair; Dream Baby Austin





Allison Coleman

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